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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19919
This Months Entries: 10
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squiz (6 entries)
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3146

30th July 2018
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Stength: 20/25
Surf / Sea State: lumpy mess
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy start with sun later.
Max Speed: 27.13 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 32.37 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Monday 30th July – windsurf *** The Dip - Felixstowe – cloudy start with sun later.

F2 Ride 282 with Tushingham Lightning 6.5 and 38 cm fin.
F2 Wave 264 with Tushingham Storm 5.25 and 24 cm. fin.

27.13 knot max., 25.50 knot ave., 9.98 knot hour, 20.12 knot mile, 60.10 km., 15.13 knot alpha.

The last of the really windy days but I was stuck for a venue as our much-loved VW campervan is going into the body shop for a week to have some dents and scuffs down. So, I had to take the van in at 8.30 but I delivered my trailer to The Dip first and hope that one of my mates could bring it home for me. I biked back along the prom in light rain, not a good start to the day:( I could go down to sail any time but after breakfast the rain had stopped and the wind was 18 knots. I also wanted to get the best of the tide when it was wind against, on arriving it was grey and the sea was big but I decided to rig anyway. With no gauge I took a chance with the 6.5 with 282 and had a full-on hour in a very lumpy sea. The only smooth water to be found was close is heading towards the River Deben with some big waves. I got all my best speeds here but then you had to sail over the very lumpy section towards the red and white bouy! I then came ashore for a rest as the wind had picked up and actually decided to rig a 5.25 and for the second day in a row took the wave board out, yes, I can’t quite believe it either! I am still not a lover of small board/sail windsurfing as it’s hard work, you are either planning or floundering but I was still getting 26 knot peaks! I had actually decided to pack up and had taken the wave board to the carpark when Mag arrived on her bike with lunch which I enjoyed on the beach with the sun now out:) Mag said that Chris Stephens was coming down after lunch so when Mag left I decided to give it another try on the small kit. After a couple of OK runs the wind went patchy and in the blink of an eye I had lost 400m down the beach as the tide was now with the wind making staying upwind hard if not powered up! Chris was now on the water and Mark Smalling had arrived and gave me a hand on the walk of shame:) Sailors were now starting to turn up staring with Peter Cutts, followed by Ed Swain, Ian Clarke, Paul Smith and Mark Swain. Now back on the preferred bigger kit and was having an OK sail even if the wind was up and down and the sea very big! Now absolutely knackered after being here since 10 and it was now 6.30, that’s along time on the beach but another 60 km covered making July my best month of the year with 12 sessions covering 528 km including my years best speed! The only down side is my North boom has broken yet again, it’s the third I have broken, they are not cheap booms, in fact they are there high end alu but luckily come with a 2-year warranty but I just don’t trust them anymore:( I will see what Nik Baker says when I email North tomorrow! I then had to bike home with Peter Cutts bringing my trailer home for me:)

Photo Gallery Here

Toys Used:
F2 Wave 264
F2 Ride - Limited Edition 282
Tushingham Lightning 6.5
Tushingham Storm 5.25
North Silverline 160-210
Mystic Yourizoon Shortie xl



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